Our club meets the second Tuesday of each month, 7:00 at the
George English Building, Montross.
Our Christmas Party, December 8, 2015
The CCC Special Event - August 9 & 10, Notice the Log Cabin, built by the "CCC boys"
"Ham It Up" Tuesday Nights at Westmoreland State Park
Field Day 2014
Our Christmas Party
Montross Fall Festival = October 5th, 2013
Ham Radio Class - April 6 & 7
Did you know Westmoreland County has a two meter repeater?
If you have a technican or above license then you know what a 2 meter repeater is and how much fun they can be. The Westmoreland County repeater is located at 146.895 PL tone of 146.2. Every Wednesday evening at 7:30, you'll want to turn in to the "Elmer Net." The purpose of the Elmer Net is to help new Amateur Radio Operators and to promote fellowship with our fellow ham operators. Turn in and check in for some lively conversation. Most likely you'll learn something interesting about your radio, grounding, ham etiquette or just what "73" means. It's lots of fun....please join us.